Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"The Daffodils"


I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed -- and gazed -- but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

- by William Wordsworth


From Wikipedia - "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" (erroneously known as "The Daffodils") is an 1804 poem by William Wordsworth. It was inspired by an April 15, 1802 event in which Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy, came across a "long belt" of daffodils. It was first published in 1807, and a revised version was released in 1815.

From Me - I first read this poem during literature class when I was in Sec 1. I liked it & can still vaguely remember & recite the first paragraph from memory today (which is a great feat given my failing memory these days!). Today's April 15th; 207 years ago on this day, William Wordsworth saw the daffodils that inspired this poem! Wow!

Here are some beautiful pictures of the daffodil from one of my favourite blogs:
A Picture Each Day - "Another Mistake"
A Picture Each Day - "Just A Flower"

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